Monday, December 8, 2014

The Incredible Journey (Part 2)

Hello Everyone, welcome to Part 2 of the Incredible Journey! It was originally published on the Genius of Ancient Man Blog on February 26th, 2014. This article was on of my favorites to write and I hope you enjoy! Please remember to comment!

The Incredible Journey (Part Two)

By Bethany Youngblood
Tower of Babel

How Did They Go?

Now that we have a general idea of what direction these groups of people where headed in, how did they get there? It is an exhausting exercise to imagine that everyone simply walked all those miles day after day after day until finally arriving in some random place that looked like home. So was this migration some sort of mad dash, or a slow trek?

The evolutionary standpoint has man (or Homo-sapiens) migrating extremely slowly taking tens of thousands of years to get anywhere of interest. (We will go into how quickly man could have populated the globe a little later though.) Their reasoning is based on the assumption that man was still evolving into during those tens of thousands of years. In other words man wasn’t yet capable of conquering what lay before him. But we know different.

Ancient man could have populated the globe in a relatively short period of time just by using the skills and characteristics God created in him: intelligence and resourcefulness. When the people scattered they would have split into family groups that spoke the same language. These groups would have taken their own share of civilization-building knowledge from the Tower of Babel and carried that with them wherever they went. The migration did not have to happen in one continuous burst. Populations could have moved along at a leisurely pace, following herds of game while they needed to and settling down when they found a prime piece of real estate. In a few years a younger generation could pick up the pace and migrate further, again, taking their intelligence and abilities with them.

Over Land

It makes sense how ancient man would have traveled through valleys and over mountains to reach areas like Africa, Europe, and Asia, but what about reaching a more remote landmass like North and South America? Is it possible they simply walked over? Actually yes, this is a very plausible and accepted theory. The most likely route ancient man could have taken to get into North America would be to cross the Bering Strait.

Bering Land Bridge
The Bering Strait is a narrow sea between the easternmost tip of Russia and the westernmost tip of Alaska. The Strait currently separates the Asian and North American continents by 58 miles and has a water depth of 100-165 feet.[1] But under the frigid waters of the Strait we can see evidence of the submerged landmass known as Beringia[2], the Bering Land Bridge. This bridge made it possible for ancient man to walk all the way from modern day Iraq to Alaska.

But this would have had to happen within a very short window of opportunity. As mentioned earlier the Ice Age played a large role in reshaping the landscape after the Flood. As it progressed it would have steadily lowered the ocean levels by depositing the water on land in icy sheets. According to atmospheric scientist, Mike Oard and based on Ussher’s dates, the Ice Age would have peaked 400 years after Babel[3]. So the migrating people had two opportunities:

  1. Early in the Ice Age – Starting with the knowledge that the Ice Age caused sea levels to rise and fall we can safely operate under the assumption that the Bering Strait might have easily been shallower than it is today early in the Ice Age. Between 100 and 400 years after Babel, the pile up of snow and ice would have briefly exposed the land beneath the Strait for ancient man to simply walk across and enter Alaska! Also, at this early stage of the Ice Age there would have been an ice-free corridor stretching from the Yukon all the way down into the American Rockies. Within this timeframe there could have even been more than one wave of immigrants to enter the continent.
  2. The Hybrid Option – While most of the migrations into the Americas were over land, some groups could have tried for traveling down the Pacific coastline. A hybrid approach, they could have walked where they could and constructed boats to float them the rest of the way.

Over Sea

Wait, boats? Does your mental image of ancient man traveling to populate the globe not include them traveling by boat? Land bridges to places like the Americas and Australia would have only been available for a short time, whereas boats could be used whenever someone had need of them. In fact travel by boats would explain later populations on Hawaii and people groups in South America like the Olmec.

It may seem obvious, but we very often need reminding; these people were the descendants of the great ship builder Noah and his three sons. The knowledge required to craft boats would have naturally been passed on to younger generations and carried across the globe just like the knowledge of farming and city building. These boats didn’t even need to be as impressive as the Ark to do the job of crossing even the Atlantic Ocean to populate new lands. One modern experiment performed on May 17th, 1970 by Thor Heyerdahl set out to prove that a boat built solely out of totora reeds could sail from Morocco to Barbados[4]! You must also take into consideration that the oceans, due to the warmer water and lower level, may have been much milder than they are today allowing for easier passage.


The design of the Ra II was based off boats depicted on Egyptian walls, in Mesopotamia, and in Central and South American records. The mission was a success and the Ra II reached Barbados from Morocco, a journey of 3,270 miles, in 57 days[5]. For more information on boats from the ancient world check out this article on Ancient Exploration.  

How Long Did it Take?

Was this incredible journey possible within a biblical timeframe? Absolutely! There is no need for tens of thousands of years in the equation here.

Michael Oard states in his book “Frozen in Time” that:

“The journey from the Tigris-Euphrates Rivers to the southern tip of South America did not need to be a grueling journey, as some have envisioned, nor did it need to take a long time. If the tribes were nomadic hunters and they averaged two miles a day for only four of the warmest months, they would move at the rate of 250 miles (400 km) a year. The distance to the southern tip of South America is about 15,000 miles (24,000 km). At the rate of 250 miles (400 km) each summer, the people could have made the journey in only 60 years.”[6]

Sixty years would be the speedy minimum as it is possible the people were moving much slower than this. But it does put things into perspective. A few hundred years is more than enough time for ancient man to have spread to fill all corners of the globe. 


So, this incredible, seemingly impossible journey between the dispersion of Babel and the civilizations that sprung up after the migration can be explained from a biblical perspective. Surely that journey must have been filled with countless tales of adventure and danger as the people settled and grew into the civilizations history would later record.

Having mankind divided into languages was a judgment from God, but that did not prevent Him from using the event to His Glory. In actuality, God commanded mankind to multiply, spread out, and fill the earth in Genesis 9:1! It was their rebellion against His command that brought them together at Babel and therefore God confused their languages, and His judgment forced them to scatter and obey. Our beautifully diverse peoples, languages, and cultures are a direct result of this event. And through every event throughout ancient man’s story we are never left without defense when it comes to the authority of God and His Word.

[3] Bodie Hodge.


[6] Michael Oard.

The Tattooed Princess

It's Creative Inspitation Monday! I'm so excited to share this.

When I was younger I was obsessed with ancient Egypt. I used to watch documentaries where they would open the sarcophagus and unveil the mysterious mummy. I was awed by the stories the mummies told. Does anyone else remember that feeling?

One day not too long ago I came across this picture as I browsed Pinterest. 

A tattooed mummy! Cue the freak-out! I'd never seen anything like this before! I just had to check it out. 

This mummy didn't come from Egypt. She was brought up in 1993 from the permafrost of the Ukok Plateau in the Altai Mountains. This border region is squished between Russia, Mongolia, China, and Kazakhstan. Her people were the Pazyryk, a nomadic people of the 5th century B.C. 

She has been called the Ukok Princess. Her body-art is some of the best preserved and most elaborate ancient tattoos anywhere in the world!

Illustration of "Princess's tattoos. Siberian Times.

"The tattoos on the left shoulder of the 'princess'  show a fantastical mythological animal: a deer with a griffon's beak and a Capricorn's antlers. The antlers are decorated with the heads of griffons. And the same griffon's head is shown on the back of the animal.
The mouth of a spotted panther with a long tail is seen at the legs of a sheep. She also has a deer's head on her wrist, with big antlers. There is a drawing on the animal's body on a thumb on her left hand."  (Siberian Times)

When I first saw these drawings I was amazed at how modern they looked. The designs are absolutely stunning. Experts say that, in the Pazyryk culture, the more tattoos there are on a body, the longer that person had lived. And many tattoos also pointed to elevated position. 

Now this woman is speculated to have been around 25-28 when she died so she does not have too many tattoos. But she was certainly important! She was buried with six elaborately harnessed horses. And two men, supposedly warriors, were also buried close by. 

Check out the tats the guys were sporting!

Illustration of a Warrior's tatoos. Siberian Times

Simply stunning! 

I had never heard of this people or culture before but now I am intensely excited to learn more about them. 

The tradition behind the body-art, the fantastical creatures, and the stunning beauty of it all has definitely inspired me. Not to actually get one though! For myself I have reservations about getting a tattoo (terrified of needles!), but from an anthropological perspective the tattoos can give insights to the culture and the people. 

Plus, in all my brainstorming for this epic book I want to write, my characters might be in that general area of the world at one point.  Maybe I will take a lesson from this mummy here and create a tattooed shaman of my own. Check out my Pinterest board "Ancient Man" to see more cool stuff like this.

What did you think of the tattooed princess? You can catch up on her story at this website: Siberian Times. But before you go, please comment! 

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Serpent Sanctuary

Hello Everyone. Here is my next article from the Genius of Ancient Man Blog. It was originally posted on November 12, 2014. I obsessed over this topic for several weeks and I'm eager to hear other's thoughts on it! I hope you enjoy.

Serpent Sanctuary

By Bethany Youngblood

                       Wikimedia Commons

In chapter nine of The Genius of Ancient Man we briefly cover the commonalities in world religions and legends. Remarkably, many religions were monotheistic in their beginnings and we can even find traces of Judeo-Christian beliefs woven throughout ancient practices.[1] This makes sense because after the Flood, Noah and his sons would have passed down the true accounts of God's work. 

However, as mankind continued to rebel against God and reject the truth, pagan counterfeits began to twist truth and proper worship of God. Distorted beliefs mixed with truth were passed down and dispersed with the people across the globe after the Tower of Babel. So just like we find traces of Judeo-Christian beliefs in ancient religion, we also find numerous similar distortions throughout ancient cultures. In this article we will be focusing on the prominence of serpent worship.

Worshiping Snakes? 

In our modern eyes these creatures do not seem like something to be venerated. And in ancient times it wasn't so much the snake itself that was worshiped but rather the symbolism behind the snake.

    Serpent in the Garden - Creation Museum, Kentucky
                   (Flickr. com - nofilmrequired)

From a biblical standpoint, the snake seems tainted because it was the form Satan took when he tempted Eve in the garden. Satan is even known as the “Serpent” or “Dragon”, in the Bible. So then are snakes evil like Satan is evil? No! Snakes are only created creatures whose image is used to symbolize certain ideas.

That being said, there is substantial proof for the existence of an evil cult-like worship of the serpent across the ancient world. This post will briefly describe the trail of this symbolic snake as it slithers through history.

How did Snake Worship Start?

Is this obsession with snakes really a worldwide thing? Consider how one author put it:

"No nations were so geographically remote, or so religiously discordant, but that one--and only one--superstitious characteristic was common to all; that the most civilized and the most barbarous bowed down with the same devotion to the same engrossing deity; and that this deity either was, or was represented by the same sacred serpent.”[2]

But what’s the source? Like everything else we can trace this back to a counterfeit that likely spread out from Babel.

Because Satan always perverts God’s truth, the biblical account of Eve and the serpent was twisted. [3] And the snake became a symbol of the one who brought secret knowledge of good and evil to man. The snake was also associated with sun worship, which seems to have emerged at the same time. The sun was worshiped as the one who brought physical enlightenment, and the snake as the one who brought spiritual light to man.[4] [5]

Therefore serpents in worldwide religions are commonly deities of the sun, fire (representative of the sun), sky, wisdom, civilization, regeneration, and healing. Some ancient cultures described comets as flaming serpents.[6] And because snakes shed their skin they are also associated with the regeneration of men's souls through fire or death.

Serpent Deities Around the World

There are far too many examples of serpent deities to compile a complete list, so we will just take a look at some of the most prominent serpents around the world.

      The Rainbow Serpent - (iansand, 2005)

The Rainbow Serpent - This is a deity found in both Australia and Africa, though more prominently in the former. The Rainbow Serpent is known by countless regional names and is credited with the creation of all life on earth. Shamans are ritually 'consumed' by the serpent and then emerge reborn so that they might gain spiritual power.[7]

Apep - This serpent deity originates in Egypt. It dwells in the “celestial Nile”, or the Milky Way. Other Egyptian serpent deities include Wadjet,Aker (an earth dragon), Am-Mut (eater of souls), Atum, and Denwen (another dragon).[8]

Lung - This is the basic name for the Chinese dragon or serpent deity. Chinese mythology claims there were four great dragon kings, and one serpent that had nine sons who did great deeds. Other Chinese serpent deities include: Chien Lung (the Great Serpent), Kung Shih (wisdom),Shen Lung (rain), and Nu Kua (the serpent mother goddess).[9]


Quetzalcoatl - Kulkulcan - Viracocha  - These three names all describe a similar feathered serpent deity from Aztec, Mayan, and Incan religion. This deity was credited with creation, the bringing of wisdom, and the founding of civilization.[10] These three deities, though symbolized as a serpent, also supposedly appeared to the native people as a white, bearded man in long robes from across the sea.[11]

Coatlicue - The Aztec serpent mother. This deity was known to the Inca asChalchiuhticue and to Brazillians as Iara. Serpent mothers and other mother goddess figures appear all over the world.

Other Mesoamerican snake deities include:

  • Aztec: Huitzilopotchili, Tezcatlipoca, Xiuhtecuhtli (fire serpent), and Mixcoatl.
  • Mayan: Gucumatz, Hunab Ku (sky serpent), LabnaTlactoc (rain serpent), Xiuhcoatl (fire serpent), and Youalcoatl (storm serpent)[12]

Avanyu - The feathered sky serpent of the Pueblo people was also associated with rain and lightning. Other North American serpent deities include: Uktena (Cherokee), the Horned Serpent (various tribes), andWinged Serpents (various tribes). [13]

Serpents were also venerated in the form of mounds (serpent-shaped mounds [effigies] exist in North America, England, and Scotland)[14]monuments, and innumerable pieces of artwork in the ancient world were also dedicated to the worship of the snake. 


This introduction certainly does not touch on every aspect or implication of serpent worship throughout the world. There are many intriguing connections that can still be explored.

  • How many cultures had a mother goddess?
  • What is the significance of the 'rebirth' rituals practiced by Australian and African Shamans?
  • What about those South American legends of white, bearded men from across the sea?
  • Why were some of the serpent deities called dragons? Maybe they were based on actual living creatures of the time?
Hopefully this introduction has opened doors for you to see more connections between cultures in the ancient world and more counterfeits as well. With serpent worship, or other related cults like sun worship, we're seeing evidence of man twisting created things into gods.

This passage written by the Apostle Paul applies well:

"...although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things....who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen." (Romans 1:21-23,25 NKJV)

What are your thoughts on this eerie serpent worship cult? Let us know your questions and opinions in the comments or send us an email! 

Interested in more? 

[1] “The Genius of Ancient Man”. Landis, Don. Chapter 9. Pg. 72.
[2] Clark, Hyde. Serpent And Siva Worship and Mythology in Central American, Africa, and Asia. And The Origin of Serpent Worship. Hyde Clarke, M.A.I., and C. Staniland Wake, M.A.I. 1877. Google Books.  pg vi-vii
[3]  “Snake Worship”. William T. Pelletier, Ph.D. 2008. BibleScienceGuy. Web.
[4]  “Nature Worship”. Pg. 287. The New International Encyclopedia, Volume 14. By Daniel Coit Gilman, Harry Thurston Peck, Frank Moore Colby.
[5] “Druids”. In Note, pg. 437. Owen, Davies
[6] “The Mystery of Serpent Worship”. Farra, Leonard. Web Article.
[7] Ibid.
[8] “List of Serpent Gods”. Web Discussion. 
[9] Ibid.
[10] Ibid.
[11]  “The Mystery of Serpent Worship”. Farra, Leonard. Web Article.
[12] Ibid.
[13] “The Reptilian Agenda: Horned Serpent, Feathered Serpent.”. Hidden Mysteries (1998-2005). Web.
[14] Ibid.

The Incredible Journey (Part 1)

Hello Everyone! Ready for another article from the Genius of Ancient Man Blog? This one was originally published on February 12th, 2014. I hope you enjoy the read. If you like this article, please visit the blog itself and read some of the articles from the other authors on the research team. You won't regret it! As always, please feel free to comment!

The Incredible Journey

By Bethany Youngblood

Wikimedia Commons
"So The Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because The Lord did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth." (Genesis 11:8-9 KJV)

The Biblical account of the Tower of Babel is a familiar one. We know that it was at Babel that God divided the languages and thereby scattered the people in all directions to fill the earth and multiply. But we are not so familiar with the span of time between the dispersion and the many civilizations that were created by the migration from Babel. Evolutionary models for how man populated the globe are so common that when confronted with the question of how it happened from a biblical perspective and within a biblical timeframe, we often come up short for answers.

Does the mainstream theory of human dispersal across the globe align with what we know of ancient man? If not, then how did ancient man travel to all those distant corners of the earth? How long did it take? Is this incredible journey even possible within a Biblical timeframe?

Let Us Review

Very quickly, let us review what is commonly presented to us by mainstream science, and then what we know of ancient man from a biblical perspective, to see where we stand before this journey even begins.

The most widely taught idea in the secular world today is that we (Homo-sapiens) evolved in Africa and it was from Africa that we emerged to populate the globe over tens of thousands of years. Variations of that theory are taught as well but the conclusion remains roughly the same; over millennia our species evolved and crawled out of Africa, by chance, to become the dominant animal on this planet.

"Our species is an African one: Africa is where we first evolved, and where we have spent the majority of our time on Earth. The earliest fossils of recognizably modern Homo sapiens appear in the fossil Ethiopia around 200,000 years ago…this is our best understanding of when and approximately where we originated."[1]

The statement above is supported by an evolutionary interpretation of the fossil record as observed in Ethiopia, Africa. Since Africa is where secularists speculate humans evolved from apes, it is also where they speculate more modern humans emerged to begin populating the globe around 70,000 years ago. Therefore everyone on the planet is descended from this small group of pioneers.[2]

Projecting back to a common ancestor requires an assumption on who that was; it also requires an assumption on where that common ancestor was located. Dealing with the exact same evidence for the entirety of humanity coming from one father and one mother, evolutionists say it was a homo-sapien in Africa whereas biblical creationists say it was Adam and Eve. Or, more to the point, our common ancestors were the people that were scattered from Babel to populate the earth.

"And the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." (Genesis 2:7 KJV)

God created Adam and Eve as the crowning jewel of His creation. They were the first humans, with no sub-species or prototypes before them, and the father and mother of all human life on earth. The Ancient Man Team has worked to post quality articles on this blog pointing to the fundamental notion that ancient man was not the grunting ape he is so often painted as. For a more in-depth review of some fantastic things we know of ancient man, try reading some of these articles on ArcheoastronomyAncient Technology, and Ancient Art.

So, it turns out the mainstream evolutionary theories for how man populated the globe do not align with a biblical perspective of ancient man. Our ancestors were created with all the abilities and intelligence required to meet the challenges involved with something as incredible as populating and caring for the earth. Now our journey can begin.

Where Was Babel?

Where was the starting point? From where did ancient man scatter in all directions from? Where in the world was Babel?

The Bible says in Genesis 11:1-2 that Babel was located on a plain in Shinar, somewhere west of the land where Noah had settled after the Ark landed. Traditionally Shinar, meaning ‘between two rivers’, is located in southern Mesopotamia. This was the region of ancient Babylonia and Chaldea and of the modern country of Iraq.[3]

When did this scattering occur then? When did man leave Shinar and begin spreading out? One possible date presented by James Ussher (a biblical chronologist) is 2242 B.C. This would have been 100 years after the Flood.[4] Is it possible that man could have traveled to fill the whole globe within a few hundred years? Absolutely!

Which Way Did They Go?

Working off a combination of archaeological sciences, the routes that ancient man took to populate the earth can be roughly tracked. Of course, interpretation of the data affects where those routes started and ended, so there is no absolutely flawless version of ancient man’s migratory map. Now, when visualizing man on this incredible journey across the globe, remember that the landscape and climate was very different than what it is today.

Dispersion. (Drawn by Daniel Lewis of AiG-USA)

The major differences were caused by the worldwide ice age that was triggered by the Flood. It would have peaked around 400 years after Babel, corresponding well with the migration of peoples groups. Most creationists agree that there was ONE major Ice Age after the flood. It would have been caused by the warmer oceans and volcanic activity that released “aerosols” into the atmosphere, which blocked some of the sun’s heat. The warmer oceans would have caused more evaporation and more condensation of snow and ice due to the colder climate. Both creationists and evolutionists agree that the result of so much water in the form of snow and ice on land would have lowered the ocean levels 350-400 feet! (We will go into the amazing effects of that development a little later.) .[5]

  • Southwest - To the southwest of Shinar would be, what we know today as, Palestine and the continent of Africa. Due to the Ice Age causing cooler temperatures around the globe there would have been more precipitation around the equator, meaning the areas we know as deserts today would have been cooler and wetter. Even the Sahara would remain a fertile and hospitable place long after the Flood!
  • Southeast - To the Southeast would be present day India, Asia, and the Pacific Isles. Even with the mountain ranges and small stretches of ocean in the way of this route, it would have been an easier trip than the route up into the north.
  • Northwest - The same aftereffects of the Flood that made the south a tropical paradise made the north a harsh, cold landscape. As the Ice Age progressed the immigrants entering into Europe and Northern Asia would be met with the advancing ice sheets. Days were darker and spring and summer practically nonexistent, and yet, man still pressed onward.
  • Northeast- One more ice-crowded route that led ancient travelers east and northeast through Asia and Siberia would eventually turn into a highway that led to the Americas.

For details on HOW the ancient people travelled around the globe, read Part Two of this article.

[3] Hodge, Bodie. Tower of Babel. Green Forest: 2012. Master Books. pg.104
[4] Hodge, Bodie.
[5] Hodge, Bodie. Tower of Babel. Pg. 105-108

A Stone Canvas (Part 2)

Hello Everyone! It is Genius of Ancient Man day. Welcome to Part 2 of last week's article. This article was originally published on the Genius of Ancient Man Blog on December 4th, 2013. I hope you enjoy the read and please comment!

A Stone Canvas (Part 2)

By Bethany Youngblood

Now that you have been introduced to the concepts and purposes of ancient cave art (read Part 1 if you missed it!), we can begin our grand tour fully prepared to appreciate it. I’ve arranged what I consider to be the five most stunning works of ancient man’s artistic genius.

The Grand Tour

Cueva de las Manos ~ The Cave of Hands

Cueva de las Manos
Located in Argentina, this site is known for its panels of rock art hand paintings. The stenciled impression was probably accomplished by blowing the mineral pigment through a hollow tube around the hand. Most of the hands are left hands and average around the size of a 13-year-old boy. Experts speculate that, due to the hunting scenes also located at the site, that this was part of an initiation ceremony. They are dated to be around 9,000 years old according to a secular calendar. [1] From a Biblical worldview we can certainly say that this site was created Post-Flood, after mankind’s dispersion from Babel. A potential date range therefore falls between 2,000 and 1,000 BC.


Lascaux Cave 
This breath-taking complex of caves is located in southern France and is known primarily for the size, quality, and excellence of the almost 2,000 painted figures throughout it. Chamber names include; The Great Hall of Bulls, the Lateral Passage, the Shaft of the Dead Man, the Chamber of Engravings, the Painted Gallery, and the Chamber of Felines. Horses dominate the scene, numbering close to 364 individuals. There are ninety stags, multiple bison, a bear, a rhino, and a human.[2]

The Great Black Bull

But the stars of Lascaux are the bulls. Four huge black bulls appear to run across the stone walls. One measures seventeen feet long, the largest animal cave painting ever found. These painted bulls actually represent an extinct species of wild cattle called Aurochs. Aurochs were massive and reportedly bad-tempered. They were the basis for the Minoan legends of the Minotaur and used in the Minoan bull-leaping games.[3][4]

Take a virtual tour of this cave!

The Cave Chauvet-Pont-d’Arc

The Panel of Lions

This is another artistic marvel local to southern France. Like Lascaux, this cave is known for its’ exceptional quality. It sets itself apart though for the rare exhibition of predators and the artistic finesse throughout the cave.

Thirteen different animal species including horses, cattle, reindeer, bison, wooly rhinos, and owls are represented as well as predators like cave bears, panthers, hyenas, and a whole wall of lions painted in blue. No human figures have been discovered in this cave.[5]

Many caves in France feature something unique in the cave-art world and it’s found in both Chauvet and Lascaux; animation. Some animals appear to have been painted with multiple heads or several extra legs. But when explorers turned off their flashlights and brought a torch down into the dark the flickering shadows made the animals appear to move! An example of this effect can be seen in this video.

Narwala Gabarnmang

Narwala Gabarnmang 
This site in Australia’s Northern Territory has come to be known as the “Cistine Chapel of Rock Art Sites”. The carbon-dating used on these cave-paintings date its creation at roughly 33,000 years ago, the same as Chauvet and Lascaux.[6] Even though this dating system is flawed, it shocked historians because it elevated Aboriginal people, a group that has suffered harsh persecution in the past, right up there with some of the most advanced artists of ancient Europe. Should that surprise us? No! If you go from a Biblical perspective mankind could have reached Australia and created this work of art anywhere from 2100 to 1600 BC.

“All people, including Australian Aborigines, are descended from Noah’s family. After God confused the languages of people at the Tower of Babel, in the years following the global Flood of about 2350 BC, groups of people dispersed through the world. Each group surely possessed knowledge of some current technology in addition to their new language. Thus, we expect to see evidence of intelligent people scattered all over the world, including these paintings in Narwala Gabarnmang…..Aborigines were not at the head of the human evolutionary pack but were, like groups of people all over the world, using their intelligence and their skills to rebuild civilizations after the Flood and migration from Babel.” – Dr. Elisabeth Mitchell[7]

Ica Stones

Ica Stone showing dinosaurs
This example of ancient art is less cave-art and more of an amazing array of engravings. A flood in Peru in the first half of the 20th century eroded the side of a mountain away and revealed a cave were 16,000 stones like the two shown above were hidden. Dr. Javier Cabera displayed 11,000 of them in his small museum. The stones depict an array of figures but a significant number showcase dinosaurs.[8]

A huge controversy surrounds these stones for that very reason. Skeptics claim they’re an elaborate hoax because it is impossible for a human to have seen a living dinosaur according to their timeline. Hoaxes are an unfortunate reality for both evolutionists and creationists, so the authenticity of these stones is undecided. Still, they make an interesting place to end our tour for today.


We certainly hope you enjoyed this brief perusal of ancient art. Like any summary it hopefully showed you the highlights; ancient man was created with a creative and intelligent spirit like me and you, quite unlike what mainstream theories would have you believe. Men who temporarily dwelled in caves or used their walls as a sanctuary were not primitive but in fact demonstrated artistic genius in many areas. As a summary this tour also skimmed over the not-so God-honoring pieces of ancient man’s workmanship. Yet isn’t this just another reminder that ancient man was just as fallen and in need of a Savior as we? Take a moment to consider our modern artistic expression. Do we use our creativity to praise God, or do we instead paint worldly veneers over something made in God’s Own Image and dishonor Him?

Are there any examples of ancient art that you find incredible? Let us know! Share your thoughts and discoveries, we’d love to hear them.

Be sure and read Part 1 if you missed it! 

[1] Bradshaw Foundation
[3] “The Aurochs: Bull of Myth and Legend.” Erika.

[4] “Bull Mythology.”
[5] Bradshaw Foundation
[6] “News to Note, June 30, 2012” Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell.
[7] Ibid.