There's a feeling in the air. Do you know that sensation that something is coming? Something wonderful and new. Do you know that mesmerizing mix of nervousness and excitement? That is what this month has been for me. The first month of the new year is over, and now I have the opportunity to share with you all that's been going on. If this is your first visit to Forgotten Featherpen, then allow me to welcome you. I hope you enjoy your visit and come again soon. The Monthly Highlights are where I share with you all that's been going on this month in my blogging, my writing, and life in general. As always, I would love to hear about your month of life as well, so don't be shy. Let's get going!
Yes! I'm starting the year on the right foot and posting every week! This month was all about the new and the old. It was all about ideas, memories, and dreams.

Instead of starting out the year with Resolutions, I wanted to begin by looking at the
Yearly Highlights from 2015. This post was incredibly fun to put together because it gathered up the most popular posts from last year, as well as some pretty looking numbers! Looking back on my year of blogging in 2015 was so helpful in planning for 2016.

I was tempted not to write a set of Resolutions at all. It's hard not to get conflicted over it because of all the cliches you know? But in the end, if you don't set goals then you'll never accomplish anything, so I sat down and wrote down my
Resolutions for 2016.

Now this is what I've been waiting to write. This month was the perfect opportunity to share my
Ten Lessons from Blogging: What I've Learned from My First Year. Even though I've been blogging for more than one year, I've only been consistently blogging for that long. The lessons are more towards what I learned personally as a blogger, and less about the technical side of things. If you have any lessons from blogging feel free to share them in the comments
My Life
I've entered the last half of my Junior year, the second semester of my time here at Bryan College. As daunting a challenge taking on 19 credit hours is...I know in my gut that I can take this on. I have a special feeling about this Spring Semester. Something amazing is going to happen as I grow and learn more. That's the best part really, I'm looking forward to the adventure of learning. One of these days I'll share my thoughts on learning. It's been on my mind a lot lately. Anyway, what else have I been up to?
My Pretty Weekly Schedule |
Well, during Christmas Break I kinda encountered my super-organized side. I wanted to learn from the mistakes I'd been making in previous semesters and get myself together! So I started making spreadsheets....lots and lots of spreadsheets. Spreadsheets for my weekly schedule, calendars for my overall schedule of classes, shower time schedules, a semester assignment spreadsheet, and even a small weekly schedule for my roommate so I would know what she was doing day to day. That's not overload...right? Even if it is, I'm looking forward to less stress in the scheduling department this semester. Already it's starting to make things easier. Has anyone else started doing this lately?
What to Expect Next Month:
Review: Secrets of Ancient Man Book
That's right, it's finally arrived and landed in my eager hands. Somewhere in between all these classes I'm taking I am going to dive into the pages and get to work reviewing it for you. In the meantime, did you know you could purchase both
The Genius of Ancient Man
Secrets of Ancient Man: Revelations from the Ruins
right here on Forgotten Featherpen? Just click either of the images below or check the links in the sidebar.

Some Personal Insights
I've been processing a lot over break and now during these first weeks of the semester. A lot of it has to do with how to handle stress. We all have issues with this one don't we? I'm trying to see stress in a new light, so keep a lookout for that post.
Other posts might include topics like time management, daily devotional time, or even my spreadsheets if anyone is interested.
Being at college never fails to reveal something new to learn, so be sure to keep a lookout for these personal insight posts!
That's all for this month! February promises to be chock full of more learning experiences and awesome blogging opportunities. How was your January? Are there any particular topics you would like to see in the future? I'd love to chat, so feel free to post a question or comment below.
Lots of great things happening! Being organized is so great. I got organized last summer when I was feeling really stressed. XD My January has been really busy. I'm getting ready to go to Canada in two weeks, so it's been a lot of preparing for that.
Canada? That's awesome! Promise you'll post pics and write about it okay?