Monday, January 11, 2016

Resolutions for 2016

It's a new year, and you know what that means. I used to hate making a New Year Resolutions list. Why tie myself down to a goal I might not reach? Since then, I've learned this interesting little tradition can be a useful tool. Ever heard the expression, "Man plans, God laughs." It's true that whatever goals or plans we set for ourselves will most likely be changed, or even cancelled before they are seen through. That's a fact of life. However, just because plans or goals may fail isn't a reason to not make them. A friend of mine once said that without a plan, you're going nowhere.

I want to go places this year! So, I've decided to share some Resolutions for 2016 with you. In 2017, I'll revisit this post and see how many things I actually accomplished. This post will be divided into three sections.

Blogging Goals
Personal Goals
My Word for the Year

1. Post every Monday

 I deliberately delayed posting this until the first Monday of the New Year. Because I wanted every Monday to count and I had already made the final tally for posts for 2015! You see my issue? I had to laugh at myself when I refused to post. I've got issues.

2. Grow my Followers

That sounded less robot-ish in my head. I want to be able to reach more like-minded people like myself, so I'm always for new ways to reach out. And new friends are always so much fun!

3. Do better on my Instagram account

*looks down in shame* Yeah...I kinda vanished from that account for a couple months. Sorry about that. I want to do better on that this new year since I lot of my followers have come from Instagram.

4. Connect with more Blogging Friends

 I'm an introvert. *sigh* I might strike you as a quiet, stand-offish sort of person. But every time someone new pops on or leaves a comment this little introverted heart of mine gives a leap for joy. I want to do more this year to cultivate those blogging friends.

1. Write more for my Novel this year

Ideas have been churning deep inside for a while now. I can feel them finally surfacing, ready to spill over to the page or screen. Maybe the page actually. I've been experiencing a difficulty writing on a computer lately. Anyone else prefer writing on paper to writing on a laptop?

2. Journal every week

I've been pretty consistent with this in 2015. The purpose of most of the entries has been to record life and lessons from college. In the past, when I've journaled through a specific season of life it's been incredibly useful. I want to try and journal once per week. So it's like a blog post to myself right?

3. Pass this upcoming semester (seriously, what was I thinking with 19 credit hours!?)

Seriously, y'all. I am this close to thinking I'll go insane this semester. But all the classes and required and I wanna take all of them! Three writing courses at once! I'll be happy and stressed all at once. Wish me luck and remind me next year that I did this to myself.

My Word for the Year

(It's Scottish because I really wanted to go to Scotland but wasn't able to.)

What are your New Year Resolutions? Any Blogging or Writing plans? I don't know about you guys, but I'm always looking for new tips for keeping on track. What is your word/verse/saying for the year? I'd love to hear from y'all! So don't be afraid to comment below. Happy New Year! 


  1. Hi Bethany!

    Thanks for sharing your resolutions with us! I always enjoy reading your posts :)

    I want to blog more this year as well, and that's one of my goals. I try to make smaller "resolutions" on a month-by-month basis, because (for me anyway) it seems more doable when I break my goals down.

    And I think my new motto, at least for the coming semester, will be "Living Faith." Last semester I focused more on grounding myself in grace and freedom (my inward faith), and now I want to focus on what that looks like lived out in my daily life!

    Oh, and I've always wanted to go to Scotland, so I love your word!

    1. Thanks, Amber! I like your motto for the coming semester :) Thanks for stopping by!

  2. These are some awesome goals! I'm a major introvert too and it took me a long time to branch out and meet other bloggers, but you know what? I'm so glad I did! I have come into such a great blogging community. ^ ^ The best way you're going to meet new people and gain new followers is to commenting on other blogs. If someone comments on your blog then visit theirs and comment. Read posts as consistently as you can. My following has grown immensely since I've started doing that. :)

    I've just started to keep a journal this year. I'm a big behind, but it's nice to get out my thoughts on paper. I haven't kept a journal since elementary school. XD

    That's a great word! It's so pretty. ^ ^ My word for this year is "bold."

    The happiest wishes for your 2016 endeavors!

    1. That's a wonderful word to start the year off with. Your advice on meeting new people is SO true. And it's something I really, really need to work on. Thanks for the tips!


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