Monday, October 26, 2015

Monthly Highlights: October 2015

Welcome again, everyone, to the monthly highlights on Forgotten Featherpen! Fall weather is fully settled in and I am Loving it. To all my college friends, I hope y'all came back from Fall Break refreshed and ready to tackle this second half of the semester. To my writing audience, I know a lot of you have NaNoWriMo on the brain. How are plans coming along for that? I'm kicking around ideas for actually trying to participate some this November. If you're new here, the monthly highlight is a post on the last Monday of every month were I review what's been going on here. We go back to glance at this month's posts, I share some highlights from my day-to-day, as well as writing progress and plans for next month. It's usually a lot of fun so I hope you enjoy yourself and drop a comment before you leave. Let's get started! 

The Blog

So what's been on the blog this month? Since it was a packed-out month I took the opportunity to dig into the collection of Tags I had sitting around in my Bookmarks. In The Unpopular Opinions Tag I got to enjoy being a bit negative and share my unpopular opinions on some books and the cliches we often find in them. I didn't get to do all the Tags I wanted, but that just means I can do more some other time! They're so much fun. 

In the Share Your Serenity Tag I got in touch with my romantic side and shared a collage of four images that brought me a sense of inner peace and serenity. The next week was super fun with The Tag of Happiness! All these tags are open to anyone and everyone, so if you haven't done them yourself feel free to take them on! Leave a comment with the link when you do so I can check out your blog! 

My plans for November's blog posts? I'm kicking around a few ideas. My Time to Fly and When Wings Grow Weary posts have generated a lot of interest so I may write more posts that share what I'm learning here at college. Besides that, I know I really want to do a post on writing for November. You'll have to come back and check it out! And hey, if you have any ideas about what I should do a post about feel free to let me know. 

My Life

Two words. Fall Break.

It was SO needed. I'm sure my college friends can relate to this. I was settling in great to college life but I'd reached a point where I just needed a break! And it was so wonderful. Just to summarize, I returned home to Virginia and went on all sorts of adventures with my family. They involved apple-picking, making apple pie, and enjoying the fall color. 

Coming back from these adventures was bittersweet. The result though was one refreshed girl, ready for some more learning! I've got a lot to keep me busy in this upcoming half of a semester. Midterms for one thing. I'm also hopefully taking part in an art project I'm very excited about. Writing is a thing that will happen too!

My Story

I used to be able to leave my writing notebook in the dorm for several hours at a time. Now I can't go one class period without it! Seriously, in every single class there's been tidbits that I have to write down in my novel notebook so I can remember them later. It doesn't even have to be related to my setting or theme. I pick up notes from General Psychology on how people can be conditioned by stimuli or exactly how long our short term memory holds things in storage. In Interpersonal Communication I write down what makes people attract friends or what makes them interesting in dialouge. And in FIne Arts? Don't even get me started! 

The short of it is, my new advice to every writer is to take your writing notebook or some equivalent with you wherever you go. You just never know what you'll need to write down in it for later. 

That's it for this month, everyone!
Have a Happy Monday! 


  1. I'm glad you got a break. ^ ^ I love the season of fall. I did a lot of harvest activities this month like I went to a fair and a corn maze. I also finished extending book and now I'm getting a head start with my NaNo novel! Happy Halloween!

    1. Oh I miss corn mazes! They're so much fun. Wow, I hope you do well on your novel! One of these years I'll participate too. Probably wouldn't be wise to attempt it in the middle of fall semester. Thanks for stopping by!


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